I am so excited to post this new website today and begin to share with friends. I anticipate a full launch next week! While I want to tell you story upon story about how the Lord has been leading me into this new role of service within Central Florida, for now, I’ll keep it simple and start at the beginning…
Jesus’ heart of compassion for people is what led me into ministry many years ago. As an early teenager, I remember reading this passage in the Bible about Him:
Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. (Matthew 9:35-36 NIV)
Countless others who are involved in some form of ministry also attribute these verses to their “calling.” Yet all these years later, it’s still Jesus’ care for those who are harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd, that stirs my heart. This passion answers the "WHY" of my role in Shepherd Ministries... So many people are struggling alone and in deep need of a connection to the Lord. This is who I'm called to serve - especially those who are not connected to a local church at this time.
I’ve received so much kindness and compassion from the Lord, often through His people, during some of the most difficult times in life. For me and so many others, responding to His message (“good news of the kingdom”) has made all the difference. By following Jesus, being His disciples, we all get to pass on what we’ve received from Him to others.
With that in mind, let me give a big THANK YOU to Roger Shepherd and the
Florida Counseling Foundation
board for reactivating Shepherd Ministries and calling me to be a pastor at large for our local community! While this website and my role are new, Shepherd Ministries is not. Jesus has used Roger to bring much compassion into my life (and many others) over the years. I’m grateful to be passing that along with him…
So, let me know if you (or someone in your life, work, neighborhood…) need the kinds of services described in this website. As I mentioned above, I am specifically hoping to reach people who don’t have a church home - may even have mixed feelings toward organized/institutional religion - but find themselves in need of a pastor. Reach out and let me know!
In the near future I’ll write much about the kind of ministry that’s modeled after shepherds. While Scripture is full of such allusions, most modern Central Floridians have never even seen a live sheep, let alone a real shepherd! We will learn and grow together…
In closing, an important “shepherd” lesson I’ve learned over the years was reinforced today as I worshipped with my
Community Art Connection
friends at Rhythms of Grace. We are just beginning to focus on Psalm 23, and it couldn’t be more timely for me!
“The Lord is my shepherd. I lack nothing (or, I shall not want).” He provides! Pastors get to be "under-shepherds," but Hebrews 13:20 reminds us that Jesus is the “great Shepherd of the sheep.” He is the source of every need for all of us. May we realize and truly live that core truth of His Kingdom: The Shepherd makes sure we truly lack nothing.
Blessings to you!
P.S. Take a second look at the banner above... Yes, that's a real rainbow over what was once shepherd's fields, just outside of Bethlehem. Photo credit goes to Linda!
P.P.S If you haven't already done so, check out the rest of our website - starting